The new National Self-Exclusion Register designed for online betting in Australia, BetStop, was introduced by the Albanese Government on August 21, 2023. This means Australians now have the option to join BetStop in order to voluntarily exclude themselves from all Australian licensed interactive wagering service providers, for time frames ranging from three months to a permanent lifetime exclusion.
Once an individual has voluntarily excluded themselves via BetStop, providers of betting services, whether online or via telephone, will be unable to open an account or accept a bet from said individual.
Registration with BetStop is free and is achieved through a quick and easy process, which will cover all 150 Australian licensed interactive wagering service providers. The process requires the individual to visit the BetStop website ( and enter their full name, address, date of birth and contact details.
If an individual self-excludes via BetStop, all online wagering providers will be forced to close their accounts and prohibit any further bets being placed, as well as marketing promotions being sent.
In conjunction with BetStop, the government has also introduced mandatory customer pre-verification, which requires Australians to successfully verify their identity upon signing up with a new online betting provider, and prior to placing any wagers. This aims to enhance protection for underage Australians or individuals who have recently self-excluded with BetStop.
Betting service providers are also now obligated to actively promote BetStop, including details of BetStop on their websites, mobile apps, and marketing promotions. This will help raise awareness, as will the upcoming campaign set to be run by the Australian Communications and Media Authority (ACMA) to promote BetStop.
BetStop is the third and final measure of the National Consumer Protection Framework for Online Wagering. The two other measures, which were concerned with the delivery of consistent messages about gambling and the appropriate training for wagering staff, were implemented on March 30, 2023.
You can find out more about BetStop on their website: